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May, 2016


by Webmaster

Theoretically, I'm retired. I don't have a job anymore. And, I'm busier than I've ever been.

I still support websites for the clients who supported me, and for non-profit organizations. I have projects around the house that need to be completed, and are waiting on good-enough weather, or help from a handyman, or good-enought health, or just time. I have two rescue collies and a foster collie, a show dog. I write and perform my songs and poems and have written two novels which I plan to self-publish, if I ever get them done. Lately, I've been designing and making jewelry.

When I die, my obituary will include the words, "chronically late." I'm glad I'm "retired." I don't have time to have a job.

On top of everything else, I am the chairperson of a committee of a non-profit organization to produce a cowboy music and poetry show on the last weekend of Sept. I have a handful of people on the committee, but what needs to be done is more than we can do.

I sent out an email to the members of the organization asking for help to find sponsors to pay for the performers at the cowboy music and poetry show. One person responded with a specific offer to help. Two people asked how they could find sponsors and got enthusiastic about taking my advice. Two people offered to perform for free, if it would help.

The committee nominated and voted on the performers, so I'm working from that list. Within the group of people who got the same number of votes, I have wiggle room to decide who is a priority.

We're getting sponsorships for specific performers. The people who help and offer to help get put on the top of the list.

There are some people I like, as friends and as performers. But, they ignored my request for help. I may not be able to get sponsorships for them.

If you're interested in being part of an event put on by a non-profit organization, here's my advice to you. Be the best you can be. Then tell them how you can help their event. Be willing to do whatever you can to make the event a success, be it getting sponsorships, designing a poster, hanging posters, recruiting volunteers: whatever needs to be done.

Want to ensure you never get hired to perform at a non-profit event? Don't respond to requests to help. Or respond in a way to ensure that the event coordinator realizes how important you are and what the event can do for you. Three people put themselves at the bottom of the list, not only for this event, but for all future events that I organize. If you want to join the folks at the bottom of the list, here are some responses you can use when asked to help:

  • I would love to be a headliner at your event.
  • I am free that day and could come up to perform.
  • I'm looking to build my fan-base in new territories and your event would help me.

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